
Why Scientology auditing is not at all like traditional psychotherapy (Part 1)

Have you been audited before?

Lucky Otters Haven


This is an actual question an auditor asks you during the introductory (“communications”) course that is really an early indoctrination procedure.

This is my second post about Scientology.  It will be in two parts.

My first post about Scientology was about my own experience (thankfully, short lived) in the cult, but this one will focus less on my own personal experience and more on how Scientology (and the related Dianetics) “auditing” works and why it isn’t at all like (and is far inferior to) traditional psychotherapy (that is, when you have a good, empathetic therapist).

But before I get into the differences, I feel it’s necessary to give you some background about Dianetics and Scientology auditing and the religion that arose from it.

Mainstream mental health: an imperfect science.


Psychotherapy isn’t perfect, and of course, there are many bad therapists.   Even when you have a therapist who you are…

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By Haroun Kola

I help people buy their first bitcoin and help those who want to earn a passive income do so via stacking the STX (Stacks) token to earn BTC (Bitcoin)

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